今天是呆在Carlsberg Project的最后一天。在Supply Chain的Jimmy和酒鬼Brenda盛情催促和邀请下,我和Ing一班人浩浩荡荡到了他们楼下的 Lounge Bar那里Self-service喝酒去。(在此之前,一直只是经过,都没有好好有时间去参观他们的Lounge Bar,当然还没有品尝他们引以为豪的Draught Beer)既然是最后一天,豁出去了呗。。。
Jimmy今天似乎很来劲,拼命给我们添酒。一杯又一杯的顺喉冰冻啤酒,让人感叹唯独这里啤酒冷冻摄氏最佳。一直以来Heineken拥戴者,也不禁觉得他们的Green Label真的很好喝。(还过火的喝了人家5杯啤酒 ; p)今天也试了他们的Stella Artois 和 花香味 Unknown Beer(听说在外头喝一杯,也不便宜的说),独特口感,觉得值得一试。在Lounge Bar里头也遇到了Carlsberg的CFO,是C Level中两个华人中的其中一位,外表很年轻,也很亲切。过来和我们谈谈天。
可能是星期五,一周的结束,穿着Casual wear, 总觉得轻松自在,喝着的同时,和同事吹吹水,听听沙发音乐,那种感觉就是一个“吊”字可以形容~!呵呵。
At the end, 这个Project总结是完好的。在一个manufacturing啤酒企业环境里Project,的确是很不错的经验。不像别的企业那么严肃,那么沉闷,至少。。。也了解更多啤酒的相关知识。无论下一个Project,或是下一份差事,都是颇有裨益的。被Outsource在Carlsberg的Ing和Nelson,你们要保重,别被他们IT欺负,呵呵,I believe, that is definitely not the case。。。呵呵。。。
2 則留言:
I started to think working on project based is actually quite fun. Work in this project over here..learn sth, met the people along way.. Next stop, could be a completely different environment..
Rather than sitting in the same office, seeing the same people..all the time..
but working on project based environment actly quite tiring. Deal with 3 diff parties as a project team members. Client(user), Client(IT) and our project team member & boss. I would say, every single project reach the final milestone, always that excitement. What's my next project?God know~