癞痢:Hey, Taka. I got a personal question to ask you.
癞痢:What's the meaning of your name? Why you call yourself as Taka? Is a japanese name, right?
我:(吊,真有够八卦)You're not the only one who ask this question. Maybe that's the reason why I love this name. Because everyone interested to know the secret behind.
我:(继续)But...sorry to disappoint you...no secret behind(探头望后面)
我:(防止他等下可能歇斯底里的狂笑,就打断他的笑声)I found my name in different language which had different meanings...
癞痢:Oh, what's that?
我:Such like in Turkey, "Taka" mean a type of small boat which bring meaning of “Freedom"; in Bangladesh, my name is actually a currency eg:"Taka 300,000"; in Japan, my name mean "TALL"; in Thailand, my name means "Basket"...
癞痢:(O型那么大的嘴巴)00000000OOOO...you're famous then!
以上的对话,真的不下十次,通常都需要解释一遍给第一次见面的Client。回想起每次看见他们听见我自我介绍时的表情,都会自然而然的重复我的名字一次: Taka?
因为自己时常在曼谷工作,so都会送衣服去Laundry干洗。有一次,因为忘了带篮子,转头就走。店员连忙大声的喊: "TAKAAAAAA"。我还真的疑惑一阵子,为啥她懂我的名字。
或许,我真的是改错名了。没舍,不错都错了。。。哈 ;P
4 則留言:
honest speaking, all the while, i thought it is a Japanese name.
Pai seh
You used it while introducing yourself to your client??
I pity your client for one.
Taka is a currency in Bangladesh, u shld thank me for telling u this.. Thank me..quick..call me cute girl..quick...
thank you mak mak cariss krup