2009年3月17日 星期二

another NIKON Freak?

another Nikon Freak?

guess what?

今天突然人来疯,在上机飞去香港前,把心一狠,购入DSLR - Nikon D60


主机Body + 18-55mm Nikkor kitlen+ 4GB Nikon Ram + Camera Bag +
Optical Filter + Cleaning Kit

老板算唔话得,私人醒我Screen Protector和High Speed Ram。。。

希望这次香港走透透,可以好好拍照,啵些照片献献丑 ; x

臭豆腐!! 我来啦~!!

4 則留言:

kittyin 提到...

Mm.. Hopefully u really take more photos, and post 'em all up for us to see lo~

Enjoy ur trip la.. 'Sit stable plane' lo~~

cLiu 提到...

haih...you should really buy D90 instead of D60.

nvm la...welcome to the world of DSLR! (alto i don't own a DSLR, haha)

waiting for your pic to be on the blog soon la.


Noelle 提到...

How much you brought? New unit?

D'ca 提到...

2kitt: abit disappoint on the lighting, i think i still need to find ways to improve my shooting skill ;(

2liu:D90 abit giant to me, prefer D60 in lite weight and suit me more, who call me just a beginner...;D

2sis: is a brand new unit